Sunday, May 17, 2009

Susan at Work?

I think so.

A friend of the Mortensen's, Tessa Patterson (14 yrs old), started a business last year making and selling cookies. Susan used to be a client (but for some reason I don't remember ever eating any of those cookies). After Susan passed away, Tessa decided to continue to make Susan's cookies and randomly deliver them to a stranger every week, or to someone she thought could use some extra cheer, along with a quick story of Susan's life.

Below is a comment left yesterday by one of the people Tessa and Susan have affected with her cookies.
Anonymous said...

"I am blown away. A beautiful young woman handed me cookies today in the parking lot of a grocery store. I hadn't shopped at that store for 6 months. She told me Susan's story and that she gives Susan's cookies to people at random. My husband has colon cancer, and is having another surgery on Monday. I cried and cried in the car. I felt like an angel was hugging me. May God bless your family and shine His light on you."

May 16, 2009 3:32 PM

Thanks Tessa for doing this for Susan. I'm sure she helps direct you to those who could use those cookies and the message.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Suz

We love and miss you! Susan would be 26 today. May 7, 1983.

Here's a few pictures of Susan looking beautiful.

And here is how I like to remember her :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Susan's Memorial Video

This is the video Susan's brother David made to commemorate her life. It was was just recently posted on Facebook but I thought I would post it here as well.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

From Janet (Susan's mom)

Just wanted to post a few stories I've heard about lately.  Recently a few people have shared with us that Susan inspired them to get a colonoscopy after her 'soap box' post. Of the six people we know of, three of them had polyps, one was pre-cancerous. All are on a 3 year re-check schedule now. All three were under 50.  One person, knowing her family history with  cancer, convinced the doctor to go ahead with the colonoscopy.  I know Susan would be pleased that her experience could help others have a better chance to avoid what she went through. Early detection makes ALL the difference.

We are half way through the laborious process of gaining legal status for the Susan Mortensen Turley Foundation. We have a bank account established to hold all the tax deductible donations and are working on fund raising ideas. We are thankful for the generosity of people touched by Susan's story. Susan's cousin, Anna, has taken Susan's dream to help others to the max. She is running marathons and getting people to sponser her miles. This ambitious goal takes a lot of effort and time training and lining up sponsors. She is amazing! Her goal is to run in each of the 50 Check it out Another of Susan's friends donated the proceeds from her club performance to the Foundation as well. We want to give a BIG thank you all you supporters!

Also, our young friend started a home baked cookie business recently and each week takes a dozen cookies in honor of Susan to someone who could use a bit of cheer. Thanks, Tessa!

Our lives are still a roller coaster of emotion and memories as we adjust to a life without Suz... We appreciate all the calls, mail, visits and prayers on our behalf. The blessings of our faith, family and friends brings us great comfort during this period of difficult adjustments. Thank you, one and all!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Memories by Bruce (Dad)

Susan was accepted for treatment at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Susan, Justin, Janet and I went there together. After a couple of days of tests and consulting with different doctors, the course of treatment was outlined. Justin and Susan decided that Justin needed to get back to work to save his time off for later.

Susan, Janet and I moved to another hotel where we could all stay in the same suite, as Janet felt it was important that Susan not be alone. It was Susan’s turn to say our family prayer the evening before her port-a-cath was implanted. She thanked God for all the blessings that we’d seen as a family, and for the opportunity to be at Mayo Clinic. And then, in a most fitting expression of gratitude, she said, “We are thankful for this opportunity to exercise our faith in thee.” Tears came to my eyes as I understood, again, the tremendous faith that Susan possessed. She never wavered, she never doubted, she never faltered.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

'bout time

I guess it's time once again to update the blog. I've felt like I've needed to for a while now, but I kept putting it off, mostly because I have a hard time putting the last 3 months into words. Did I do my math right? Has it really only been 3 months? Longest 3 months of my life, yet still just a short time. I kinda wish I could fast forward 5 years ahead and just skip the whole process. Except for then I'd be 36 and really old! I keep myself as busy as possible. My job couldn't be any more busy, despite the economic downturn. It's kind of a good thing and a bad thing. It's nice to be able to occupy my mind for most of the day, but I could also use a break from unrealistic deadlines.

Lately I've been trying to figure out whether or not I grieve normally. I know anyone in a situation like mine would handle it differently in their own way. I've found it can hit at any time and at odd times. If you have ever seen a black lifted Tacoma swerving in the lane in front of you, I can assure you I have not started drinking because of all this :) I've read a few books, talks, and articles that were suggested to me that have been probably the most helpful. I would recommend them to all.

Book: The Message By Lance Richardson
Talk: Come What May, and Love It By Joseph B. Wirthlin
Article: Heber Q. Hale in the Spirit World

Here is a quote from the last one I really liked: "The righteous person’s birth into the world of spirits is a glorious privilege and blessing. The greatest spirits in the family of the Father have not usually been permitted to tarry longer in the flesh than to perform a certain mission; then they are called to the world of spirits where the field is greater and the workers fewer. This earthly mission may therefore be long or short as the Father wills."

For the most part I guess I'm doing fine... I know I have a lot of help and prayers.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A month ago today.........

I've been thinking about updating the blog for a while now, but have had a hard time gathering my thoughts on what I would like to write. These last few days and today seemed like an appropriate time, our anniversary being a year ago on the 3rd, and today being a month ago since she physically left us, but the thoughts still elude me.

Luckily I received a request from Susan's cousin Anna Mortensen to post a link to her blog. So now I have a good excuse to write something.

Anna will be running in her very first marathon on January 18, 2009, and has decided to run to raise money for Susan's foundation.

If you are interested in donating or supporting Anna please go to her blog for more information.

Also, check back soon for "Justin" updates.