Yesterday they took her off her IV meds, and liquids, and disconnected her from all the tubes, and wires, etc. Now she's taking oral medication for the pain management. They gave her a new drug along with the ones she's been on for the last 3 weeks.... actually 4 months. This new drug makes her real sleepy so now she sleeps even more. Having a conversation with her is fun. She'll be awake talking, then you ask her a question and wait for a response and.... nothing, she fell asleep.
I know many of you would love to see her, but she's still not feeling 100%. She asked me to let everyone know to hold off on any visits for now. Hopefully she will be able to make it to the Undy 5000. Here is a pic of her last meal at the hospital. (If you look behind her you can see the white board with all the times, it had been cleaned up and organized after the first erasure).
Speaking of the Undy 5000, we hope to see many of you there Saturday morning. I can't remember if this had been mentioned, but T-shirts were donated for Susan's cause for us to wear at the "brief" run. We are planning on handing out the t-shirts at the race somewhere around the registration table, so keep a look out for us.
Thanx for following the updates from the iPhone (most of them anyway).
Justin signing out.
Yippee-doo-lally !!!!!!!!!!
HOORAY !!!!!!!!!!!! we are sooooooo excited that you got to GO HOME !!!! Can you tell we're thrilled!?????
Anyway there's no bed like your own bed... Have a good long rest and Justin... time for you to put your feet up and RELAX..
Chat soon.. Maxine and Mathew
WOOHOO!! Congrats, Suz. What a blessing to be home. Stay strong, we're praying for you and will see you soon.
Hallelujah!!!! We are so glad that you are home. Some wise person once said that a hospital is no place for sick people.... You should be able rest and mend more speedily at home!
I saw the Team Susan T-shirt design on Sam and Amber's blog. Cute!!!
Gail and Kent
When I told Rachel the good news she screamed "YAAAAY!" Susan we are so glad that you are able to be home now.
YAAAAHH! We are so glad that Susan is home, and we can't wait to support her cause Saturday. Love you guys!!
Congratulations on making your goal and getting home!!!We love you!
Thanks for all the updates Justin, they were great. So glad Suz is FINALLY out of that hospital and feeling a little better. We continue to pray for the chemo to do what it needs to do and for Susan to keep her strength!
Congratulations on being "sprung". The nurse who erased your board deserves a BIG lecture on patient rights! Remember to treat your body kindly...somehow surgery zaps you for at least 6 weeks, whether it is minor or just takes at least that long to get back to "fully functional"...a rule of nature I guess. Wishing you strength and longer periods of alertness!
SUCH wonderful news! Thanks for keeping up the updates -- both of you are in my prayers!
So glad you are home. Hope things are going okay. We are excited for the run and tell Susan we will take LOTS of video and pics if she ends up not being able to make it. Still thinking of you guys lots!!!
Heidi ;)
SO........... how is Susan doing Justin? GREAT we hope....
great job, Justin on the informative updates! so glad susan is home and excited to see all of you in our undies on sat. you both are in my prayers continually. amazing, all around. thanks for the info and your humor comes through continually, which is truly admirable...for both of you.
Yay!! Congratulations on going home! I wish we could be at the Undy 500, our love and thoughts will be with you all!
Congrats on the escape, it is a long time coming. thanks for the constant updates. our prayers and thoughts are still with you always!
Hello to you.. We were wondering how the run went today ??
Susan did you get to go and watch?
Hope you are feeling much better..
Sorry we couldn't make it to the run sat..busy day :( can't wait to see Susan, when she's up for visitors, hopefully soon!
The Undy 5000 event was fantastic. Thanks for inspiring so much participation! So many people asked about who you were and how you ended up with so many supporters. I told everyone I talked to that if they knew you too it would be obvious- you're just a fantastic woman who has touched many, many lives!
It's unfortunate you were unable to make it on Saturday, as it may have been my one and only chance to ever come close to finishing ahead of you in a race. :) No worries though- I have every confidence you'll be beating all of us out of medal standing at Undy 2009!
Hang in there and keep getting better. :) We still have a Disneyland trip to make up for next summer!
Love you,
When my mom told me about doing the run at our old home course, I was so bummed I wasn't able to make it. She was amazed out how hard that last hill is at the end of the race. She remembered always yelling at us girls to kick it in at that point, although she found she hardly had anything left by that point in the race. I am so happy to hear you are back at home and thanks for the updates.
-Meghan Miner
I couldn't stop laughing when I read how you like having a conversation with Susan and before she responds...she's out. I was the same way when they released me. My pain med dose was too high. After a week we finally convinced them to reduce the dosage. Deron still laughs about those times with me. Susan, sweety, I feel your pain, you just go ahead and sleep...we'll catch up on that conversation in an hour or so when you come least that's what they did to me. I missed you guys at the Undy 5000. Did you make it? Have Susan email me when she feels up to it.
Much love,
Kim Miller
Congratulations Susan, I'll bet you were excited to have all the tubes removed. I remember that was an awesome feeling the day before I left the hospital. Good luck at home and don't worry if you can't eat any food the RS brings over. Take care and thanks again for the updates.
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